Purchasing and transporting hemp seeds or stock
Follow our guidelines for the safe and legal movement of hemp
See guidelines for transporting hemp in Louisiana .
We recommend completing the transportation driver form . This will help you avoid transportation interruptions from law enforcement.
Before bringing hemp seed into Louisiana, submit a seed acquisition request and get it approved. This process requires a copy of the seed label, germination/purity report, and an accompanying seed lab report of certificate of analysis (COA) showing the THC concentration level on the parent material. LDAF staff will review each COA submitted for legitimacy.
Also, see our seed testing and labeling requirements .
Seed, clone, and transplant providers
Below is a list of licensed hemp seed, clone, and/or transplant providers. This list is for informational purposes only (as required by law) and includes licensed companies and individuals who have sent us their information. LDAF is not affiliated with and does not endorse any provider, and your options are not limited to this list. To be added to the list, send your information to industrialhemp@ldaf.state.la.us with Seed Source in the Subject line. If your website link, email, or phone number becomes inaccessible, or your license(s) expires, your listing will not be posted or may be removed.
Hemp variety designation list
LDAF Industrial Hemp Program Variety Designation List as of January 8, 2025.
Purchaser's responsibility
As a purchaser, it is your responsibility to ask for documentation of a seller’s license and laboratory COA stating a THC concentration of 0.3% or less. The COA should contain contact information, and the laboratory should have accreditation or affiliation with a national organization, such as ISO or DEA. Refer to the USDA’s list of DEA-registered laboratories .
Providers and contact info
Provider | Contact info |
Davis Farms of Oregon (Total THC Compliant, Terpene Rich, Feminized CBD Hemp Seeds) | Jeremy Klettke 541-480-9702 contact@davishempfarms.com davishempfarms.com |
Foxhound Farms (seedlings, clones feminized & non-feminized CBD seed) | J L Deal 985-788-5115 nomadicchief@yahoo.com www.foxhoundhemp.com |
Fortuna Hemp (Feminized hemp seed) | Allison Gualdi 720-372-9277 ally@fortunahemp.com www.fortunahemp.com |
Louisianabis (Clones) | Thomas Uhle 504-248-8497 louisianabis@gmail.com www.louisianabis.com |
Okhish Mound Farm (seed) | c/o Brian Bolyer 318-510-9606 okhishmoundfarm@gmail.com |
True South Seeds (Seeds, Clones) | Dan Glenn (229) 457-1136 dan@truesouthseeds.com www.truesouthseeds.com |
Virgin Hemp Farms (seedlings) | Blaine Jennings 337-849-6481 blaine@virginhempfarms.net www.virginhempfarms.net |
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